
Source code for

TexSoup transforms a LaTeX document into a complex tree of various Python
objects, but all objects fall into one of the following three categories:
``TexNode``, ``TexExpr`` (environments and commands), and ``Arg`` s.
import itertools
import re
from .utils import TokenWithPosition, CharToLineOffset

__all__ = ['TexNode', 'TexCmd', 'TexEnv', 'Arg', 'OArg', 'RArg', 'TexArgs',

# Interface #

[docs]class TexNode(object): r"""A tree node representing an expression in the LaTeX document. Every node in the parse tree is a ``TexNode``, equipped with navigation, search, and modification utilities. To navigate the parse tree, use abstractions such as ``children`` and ``descendant``. To access content in the parse tree, use abstractions such as ``contents``, ``text``, ``string`` , and ``args``. Note that the LaTeX parse tree is largely shallow: only environments such as ``itemize`` or ``enumerate`` have children and thus descendants. Typical LaTeX expressions such as ``\section`` have *arguments* but not children. """ def __init__(self, expr, src=None): """Creates TexNode object :param TexExpr expr: a LaTeX expression, either a singleton command or an environment containing other commands :param str src: LaTeX source string """ assert isinstance(expr, (TexCmd, TexEnv, TexText)), 'Created from TexExpr' super().__init__() self.expr = expr self.parent = None if src is not None: self.char_to_line = CharToLineOffset(src) else: self.char_to_line = None ################# # MAGIC METHODS # ################# def __contains__(self, other): """Use custom containment checker where applicable (TexText, for ex)""" if hasattr(self.expr, '__contains__'): return other in self.expr return other in iter(self) def __getattr__(self, attr, default=None): """Convert all invalid attributes into basic find operation.""" return self.find(attr) or default def __getitem__(self, item): return list(self.contents)[item] def __iter__(self): """ >>> node = TexNode(TexEnv('lstlisting', ('hai', 'there'))) >>> list(node) ['hai', 'there'] """ return self.contents def __match__(self, name=None, attrs=()): r"""Check if given attributes match current object >>> from TexSoup import TexSoup >>> soup = TexSoup(r'\ref{hello}\ref{hello}\ref{hello}\ref{nono}') >>> soup.count(r'\ref{hello}') 3 """ return self.expr.__match__(name, attrs) def __repr__(self): """Interpreter representation""" return str(self) def __str__(self): """Stringified command""" return str(self.expr) ############## # PROPERTIES # ############## @property def all(self): r"""Returns all content in this node, regardless of whitespace or not. This includes all LaTeX needed to reconstruct the original source. >>> from TexSoup import TexSoup >>> soup = TexSoup(r''' ... \newcommand{reverseconcat}[3]{#3#2#1} ... ''') >>> alls = list(soup.all) >>> alls[0] <BLANKLINE> <BLANKLINE> >>> alls[1] \newcommand{reverseconcat}[3]{#3#2#1} """ for child in self.expr.all: assert isinstance(child, TexExpr) node = TexNode(child) node.parent = self yield node @property def args(self): r"""Arguments for this node. Note that this argument is settable. :rtype: TexArgs >>> from TexSoup import TexSoup >>> soup = TexSoup(r'''\newcommand{reverseconcat}[3]{#3#2#1}''') >>> soup.newcommand.args [RArg('reverseconcat'), OArg('3'), RArg('#3#2#1')] >>> soup.newcommand.args = soup.newcommand.args[:2] >>> soup.newcommand \newcommand{reverseconcat}[3] """ return self.expr.args @args.setter def args(self, args): assert isinstance(args, TexArgs), "`args` must be of type `TexArgs`" self.expr.args = args @property def children(self): r"""Immediate children of this TeX element that are valid TeX objects. This is equivalent to contents, excluding text elements and keeping only Tex expressions. :return: generator of all children :rtype: Iterator[TexExpr] >>> from TexSoup import TexSoup >>> soup = TexSoup(r''' ... \begin{itemize} ... Random text! ... \item Hello ... \end{itemize}''') >>> next(soup.itemize.children) \item Hello <BLANKLINE> """ for child in self.expr.children: node = TexNode(child) node.parent = self yield node @property def contents(self): r"""Any non-whitespace contents inside of this TeX element. :return: generator of all nodes, tokens, and strings :rtype: Iterator[Union[TexNode,str]] >>> from TexSoup import TexSoup >>> soup = TexSoup(r''' ... \begin{itemize} ... Random text! ... \item Hello ... \end{itemize}''') >>> contents = soup.itemize.contents >>> next(contents) '\n Random text!\n ' >>> next(contents) \item Hello <BLANKLINE> """ for child in self.expr.contents: if isinstance(child, TexExpr): node = TexNode(child) node.parent = self yield node else: yield child @property def descendants(self): r"""Returns all descendants for this TeX element. >>> from TexSoup import TexSoup >>> soup = TexSoup(r''' ... \begin{itemize} ... \begin{itemize} ... \item Nested ... \end{itemize} ... \end{itemize}''') >>> descendants = list(soup.itemize.descendants) >>> descendants[1] \item Nested <BLANKLINE> """ return self.__descendants() @property def name(self): r"""Name of the expression. Used for search functions. :rtype: str >>> from TexSoup import TexSoup >>> soup = TexSoup(r'''\textbf{Hello}''') >>> 'textbf' >>> = 'textit' >>> soup.textit \textit{Hello} """ return @name.setter def name(self, name): = name @property def string(self): r"""This is valid if and only if 1. the expression is a :class:`.TexCmd` AND has only one argument OR 2. the expression is a :class:`.TexEnv` AND has only one TexText child :rtype: Union[None,str] >>> from TexSoup import TexSoup >>> soup = TexSoup(r'''\textbf{Hello}''') >>> soup.textbf.string 'Hello' >>> soup.textbf.string = 'Hello World' >>> soup.textbf.string 'Hello World' >>> soup.textbf \textbf{Hello World} >>> soup = TexSoup(r'''\begin{equation}1+1\end{equation}''') >>> soup.equation.string '1+1' """ if isinstance(self.expr, TexCmd): assert len(self.expr.args) == 1, \ '.string is only valid for commands with one argument' return self.expr.args[0].value contents = list(self.contents) if isinstance(self.expr, TexEnv): assert len(contents) == 1 and \ isinstance(contents[0], (TexText, str)), \ '.string is only valid for environments with only text content' return contents[0] @string.setter def string(self, string): assert isinstance(string, (list, str)), \ "`string` must be of type `list` or `str`" if isinstance(string, str): string = [string] self.expr.args[0].contents = string @property def text(self): r"""All text in descendant nodes. This is equivalent to contents, keeping text elements and excluding Tex expressions. >>> from TexSoup import TexSoup >>> soup = TexSoup(r''' ... \begin{itemize} ... \begin{itemize} ... \item Nested ... \end{itemize} ... \end{itemize}''') >>> next(soup.text) 'Nested\n ' """ for descendant in self.contents: if isinstance(descendant, (TexText, TokenWithPosition)): yield descendant elif hasattr(descendant, 'text'): yield from descendant.text ################## # PUBLIC METHODS # ##################
[docs] def append(self, *nodes): r"""Add node(s) to this node's list of children. :param TexNode nodes: List of nodes to add >>> from TexSoup import TexSoup >>> soup = TexSoup(r''' ... \begin{itemize} ... \item Hello ... \end{itemize} ... \section{Hey} ... \textit{Willy}''') >>> soup.section \section{Hey} >>> soup.section.append(soup.textit) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: ... >>> soup.section \section{Hey} >>> soup.itemize.append(' ', soup.item) >>> soup.itemize \begin{itemize} \item Hello \item Hello \end{itemize} """ self.expr.append(*nodes)
[docs] def insert(self, i, *nodes): r"""Add node(s) to this node's list of children, inserted at position i. :param int i: Position to add nodes to :param TexNode nodes: List of nodes to add >>> from TexSoup import TexSoup >>> soup = TexSoup(r''' ... \begin{itemize} ... \item Hello ... \item Bye ... \end{itemize}''') >>> item = soup.item.copy() >>> soup.item.delete() >>> soup.itemize.insert(1, item) >>> soup.itemize \begin{itemize} \item Hello \item Bye \end{itemize} >>> == True """ assert isinstance(i, int), ( 'Provided index "{}" is not an integer! Did you switch your ' 'arguments? The first argument to `insert` is the ' 'index.'.format(i)) for node in nodes: if not isinstance(node, TexNode): continue assert not node.parent, ( 'Inserted node should not already have parent. Call `.copy()` ' 'on node to fix.' ) node.parent = self self.expr.insert(i, *nodes)
[docs] def char_pos_to_line(self, char_pos): r"""Map position in the original string to parsed LaTeX position. :param int char_pos: Character position in the original string :return: (line number, index of character in line) :rtype: Tuple[int, int] >>> from TexSoup import TexSoup >>> soup = TexSoup(r''' ... \section{Hey} ... \textbf{Silly} ... \textit{Willy}''') >>> soup.char_pos_to_line(10) (1, 9) >>> soup.char_pos_to_line(20) (2, 5) """ assert self.char_to_line is not None, ( 'CharToLineOffset is not initialized. Pass src to TexNode ' 'constructor') return self.char_to_line(char_pos)
[docs] def copy(self): r"""Create another copy of the current node. >>> from TexSoup import TexSoup >>> soup = TexSoup(r''' ... \section{Hey} ... \textit{Silly} ... \textit{Willy}''') >>> s = soup.section.copy() >>> s.parent is None True """ return TexNode(self.expr)
[docs] def count(self, name=None, **attrs): r"""Number of descendants matching criteria. :param Union[None,str] name: name of LaTeX expression :param attrs: LaTeX expression attributes, such as item text. :return: number of matching expressions :rtype: int >>> from TexSoup import TexSoup >>> soup = TexSoup(r''' ... \section{Hey} ... \textit{Silly} ... \textit{Willy}''') >>> soup.count('section') 1 >>> soup.count('textit') 2 """ return len(list(self.find_all(name, **attrs)))
[docs] def delete(self): r"""Delete this node from the parse tree. Where applicable, this will remove all descendants of this node from the parse tree. >>> from TexSoup import TexSoup >>> soup = TexSoup(r'''\textit{\color{blue}{Silly}}\textit{keep me!}''') >>> soup.textit.color.delete() >>> soup \textit{}\textit{keep me!} >>> soup.textit.delete() >>> soup \textit{keep me!} """ # TODO: needs better abstraction for supports contents parent = self.parent if parent.expr._supports_contents(): parent.remove(self) return # TODO: needs abstraction for removing from arg for arg in parent.args: if self.expr in arg.contents: arg.contents.remove(self.expr)
[docs] def find(self, name=None, **attrs): r"""First descendant node matching criteria. Returns None if no descendant node found. :return: descendant node matching criteria :rtype: Union[None,TexExpr] >>> from TexSoup import TexSoup >>> soup = TexSoup(r''' ... \section{Ooo} ... \textit{eee} ... \textit{ooo}''') >>> soup.find('textit') \textit{eee} >>> soup.find('textbf') """ try: return next(self.find_all(name, **attrs)) except StopIteration: return None
[docs] def find_all(self, name=None, **attrs): r"""Return all descendant nodes matching criteria. :param Union[None,str,list] name: name of LaTeX expression :param attrs: LaTeX expression attributes, such as item text. :return: All descendant nodes matching criteria :rtype: Iterator[TexNode] If `name` is a list of `str`'s, any matching section will be matched. >>> from TexSoup import TexSoup >>> soup = TexSoup(r''' ... \section{Ooo} ... \textit{eee} ... \textit{ooo}''') >>> gen = soup.find_all('textit') >>> next(gen) \textit{eee} >>> next(gen) \textit{ooo} >>> next(soup.find_all('textbf')) Traceback (most recent call last): ... StopIteration """ for descendant in self.__descendants(): if hasattr(descendant, '__match__') and \ descendant.__match__(name, attrs): yield descendant
[docs] def remove(self, node): r"""Remove a node from this node's list of contents. :param TexExpr node: Node to remove >>> from TexSoup import TexSoup >>> soup = TexSoup(r''' ... \begin{itemize} ... \item Hello ... \item Bye ... \end{itemize}''') >>> soup.itemize.remove(soup.item) >>> soup.itemize \begin{itemize} \item Bye \end{itemize} """ self.expr.remove(node.expr)
[docs] def replace_with(self, *nodes): r"""Replace this node in the parse tree with the provided node(s). :param TexNode nodes: List of nodes to subtitute in >>> from TexSoup import TexSoup >>> soup = TexSoup(r''' ... \begin{itemize} ... \item Hello ... \item Bye ... \end{itemize}''') >>> items = list(soup.find_all('item')) >>> bye = items[1] >>> soup.item.replace_with(bye) >>> soup.itemize \begin{itemize} \item Bye \item Bye \end{itemize} """ self.parent.replace(self, *nodes)
[docs] def replace(self, child, *nodes): r"""Replace provided node with node(s). :param TexNode child: Child node to replace :param TexNode nodes: List of nodes to subtitute in >>> from TexSoup import TexSoup >>> soup = TexSoup(r''' ... \begin{itemize} ... \item Hello ... \item Bye ... \end{itemize}''') >>> items = list(soup.find_all('item')) >>> bye = items[1] >>> soup.itemize.replace(soup.item, bye) >>> soup.itemize \begin{itemize} \item Bye \item Bye \end{itemize} """ self.expr.insert( self.expr.remove(child.expr), *nodes)
def search_regex(self, pattern): for node in self.text: for match in re.finditer(pattern, node): body = # group() returns the full match start = match.start() yield TokenWithPosition(body, node.position + start) def __descendants(self): """Implementation for descendants, hacky workaround for __getattr__ issues. """ return itertools.chain(self.contents, *[c.descendants for c in self.children])
############### # Expressions # ###############
[docs]class TexExpr(object): """General abstraction for a TeX expression. An expression may be a command or an environment and is identified by a name, arguments, and place in the parse tree. This is an abstract and is not directly instantiated. """ def __init__(self, name, contents=(), args=(), preserve_whitespace=False): = name.strip() self.args = TexArgs(args) self.parent = None self._contents = list(contents) or [] self.preserve_whitespace = preserve_whitespace for content in contents: if isinstance(content, (TexEnv, TexCmd)): content.parent = self ################# # MAGIC METHODS # ################# def __match__(self, name=None, attrs=()): """Check if given attributes match current object""" # TODO: this should re-parse the name, instead of hardcoding here if '{' in name or '[' in name: return str(self) == name if isinstance(name, list): node_name = getattr(self, 'name') if node_name not in name: return False else: attrs['name'] = name for k, v in attrs.items(): if getattr(self, k) != v: return False return True def __repr__(self): if not self.args: return "TexExpr('%s', %s)" % (, repr(self._contents)) return "TexExpr('%s', %s, %s)" % (, repr(self._contents), repr(self.args)) ############## # PROPERTIES # ############## @property def all(self): r"""Returns all content in this expression, regardless of whitespace or not. This includes all LaTeX needed to reconstruct the original source. >>> expr1 = TexExpr('textbf', ('\n', 'hi')) >>> expr2 = TexExpr('textbf', ('\n', 'hi'), preserve_whitespace=True) >>> list(expr1.all) == list(expr2.all) True """ for arg in self.args: for expr in arg: yield expr for content in self._contents: yield content @property def children(self): return filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, (TexEnv, TexCmd)), self.contents) @property def contents(self): r"""Returns all contents in this expression. Optionally includes whitespace if set when node was created. >>> expr1 = TexExpr('textbf', ('\n', 'hi')) >>> list(expr1.contents) ['hi'] >>> expr2 = TexExpr('textbf', ('\n', 'hi'), preserve_whitespace=True) >>> list(expr2.contents) ['\n', 'hi'] """ for content in self.all: if isinstance(content, TexText): content = content._text is_whitespace = isinstance(content, str) and content.isspace() if not is_whitespace or self.preserve_whitespace: yield content ################## # PUBLIC METHODS # ##################
[docs] def append(self, *exprs): """Add contents to the expression. :param Union[TexExpr,str] exprs: List of contents to add >>> expr = TexExpr('textbf', ('hello',)) >>> expr TexExpr('textbf', ['hello']) >>> expr.append('world') >>> expr TexExpr('textbf', ['hello', 'world']) """ self._assert_supports_contents() self._contents.extend(exprs)
[docs] def insert(self, i, *exprs): """Insert content at specified position into expression. :param int i: Position to add content to :param Union[TexExpr,str] exprs: List of contents to add >>> expr = TexExpr('textbf', ('hello',)) >>> expr TexExpr('textbf', ['hello']) >>> expr.insert(0, 'world') >>> expr TexExpr('textbf', ['world', 'hello']) >>> expr.insert(0, TexText('asdf')) >>> expr TexExpr('textbf', ['asdf', 'world', 'hello']) """ self._assert_supports_contents() for j, expr in enumerate(exprs): if isinstance(expr, TexExpr): expr.parent = self self._contents.insert(i + j, expr)
[docs] def remove(self, expr): """Remove a provided expression from its list of contents. :param Union[TexExpr,str] expr: Content to add :return: index of the expression removed :rtype: int >>> expr = TexExpr('textbf', ('hello',)) >>> expr.remove('hello') 0 >>> expr TexExpr('textbf', []) """ self._assert_supports_contents() index = self._contents.index(expr) self._contents.remove(expr) return index
def _supports_contents(self): return True def _assert_supports_contents(self): pass
[docs]class TexEnv(TexExpr): r"""Abstraction for a LaTeX command, denoted by ``\begin{env}`` and ``\end{env}``. Contains three attributes: 1. the environment name itself, 2. the environment arguments, whether optional or required, and 3. the environment's contents. >>> t = TexEnv('tabular', ['\n0 & 0 & * \\\\\n1 & 1 & * \\\\\n'], ... [RArg('c | c c')]) >>> t TexEnv('tabular', ['\n0 & 0 & * \\\\\n1 & 1 & * \\\\\n'], [RArg('c | c c')]) >>> print(t) \begin{tabular}{c | c c} 0 & 0 & * \\ 1 & 1 & * \\ \end{tabular} >>> len(list(t.children)) 0 """ def __init__(self, name, contents=(), args=(), preserve_whitespace=False, nobegin=False, begin=False, end=False): """Initialization for Tex environment. :param str name: name of environment :param iterable contents: list of contents :param iterable args: list of Tex Arguments :param bool preserve_whitespace: If false, elements containing only whitespace will be removed from contents. :param bool nobegin: Disable \begin{...} notation. """ super().__init__(name, contents, args, preserve_whitespace) self.nobegin = nobegin self.begin = begin if begin else ( if self.nobegin else "\\begin{%s}" % self.end = end if end else ( if self.nobegin else "\\end{%s}" % def __match__(self, name=None, attrs=()): """Check if given attributes match environment""" if name in (, self.begin + str(self.args), self.begin, self.end): return True return super().__match__(name, attrs) def __str__(self): contents = ''.join(map(str, self._contents)) if == '[tex]': return contents else: return '%s%s%s' % ( self.begin + str(self.args), contents, self.end) def __repr__(self): if not self.args: return "TexEnv('%s')" % return "TexEnv('%s', %s, %s)" % (, repr(self._contents), repr(self.args))
[docs]class TexCmd(TexExpr): r"""Abstraction for a LaTeX command. Contains two attributes: 1. the command name itself and 2. the command arguments, whether optional or required. >>> textit = TexCmd('textit', args=[RArg('slant')]) >>> t = TexCmd('textbf', args=[RArg('big ', textit, '.')]) >>> t TexCmd('textbf', [RArg('big ', TexCmd('textit', [RArg('slant')]), '.')]) >>> print(t) \textbf{big \textit{slant}.} >>> children = list(map(str, t.children)) >>> len(children) 1 >>> print(children[0]) \textit{slant} """ def __str__(self): if self._contents: return '\\%s%s %s' % (, self.args, ''.join( [str(e) for e in self.contents])) return '\\%s%s' % (, self.args) def __repr__(self): if not self.args: return "TexCmd('%s')" % return "TexCmd('%s', %s)" % (, repr(self.args)) def _supports_contents(self): return == 'item' def _assert_supports_contents(self): if not self._supports_contents(): raise TypeError( 'Command "{}" has no children. `add_contents` is only valid for' ': 1. environments like `itemize` and 2. `\\item`. Alternatively' ', you can add, edit, or delete arguments by modifying `.args`' ', which behaves like a list.'.format(
class TexText(TexExpr): r"""Abstraction for LaTeX text. Representing regular text objects in the parsed tree allows users to search and modify text objects as any other expression allows. >>> obj = TexNode(TexText('asdf gg')) >>> 'asdf' in obj True >>> 'err' in obj False """ _has_custom_contain = True def __init__(self, text): super().__init__('text', [text]) self._text = text def __contains__(self, other): """ >>> obj = TexText(TokenWithPosition('asdf')) >>> 'a' in obj True >>> 'b' in obj False """ return other in self._text def __eq__(self, other): """ >>> TexText('asdf') == 'asdf' True >>> TexText('asdf') == TexText('asdf') True >>> TexText('asfd') == 'sdddsss' False """ if isinstance(other, TexText): return self._text == other._text if isinstance(other, str): return self._text == other return False def __str__(self): """ >>> TexText('asdf') 'asdf' """ return str(self._text) def __repr__(self): """ >>> TexText('asdf') 'asdf' """ return repr(self._text) ############# # Arguments # #############
[docs]class Arg(object): """Abstraction for a LaTeX expression argument. >>> arg = Arg('huehue') >>> arg[0] 'h' >>> arg[1:] 'uehue' """ fmt = "%s" def __init__(self, *exprs): """Initialize argument using list of expressions. :param Union[str,TexCmd,TexEnv] exprs: Tex expressions contained in the argument. Can be other commands or environments, or even strings. """ self.contents = list(exprs) def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, Arg) and \ self.value == other.value and \ self.type == other.type def __getitem__(self, i): return self.value[i] def __iter__(self): return iter(self.contents) def __lt__(self, other): return self.value < other.value def __repr__(self): return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(map(repr, self.contents))) def __str__(self): return self.fmt % self.value @property def value(self): """Argument value, without format. >>> arg = RArg('hello') >>> arg RArg('hello') >>> arg.value 'hello' """ return ''.join(map(str, self.contents))
[docs] @staticmethod def parse(s): """Parse a string or list and return an Argument object :param Union[str,iterable] s: Either a string or a list, where the first and last elements are valid argument delimiters. >>> Arg.parse(RArg('arg0')) RArg('arg0') >>> Arg.parse('[arg0]') OArg('arg0') """ if isinstance(s, arg_type): return s if isinstance(s, (list, tuple)): for arg in arg_type: if [s[0], s[-1]] == arg.delims(): return arg(*s[1:-1]) raise TypeError('Malformed argument. First and last elements must ' 'match a valid argument format. In this case, TexSoup' ' could not find matching punctuation for: %s.\n' 'Common issues include: Unescaped special characters,' ' mistyped closing punctuation, misalignment.' % (str(s))) for arg in arg_type: if arg.__is__(s): return arg(arg.__strip__(s)) raise TypeError('Malformed argument. Must be an Arg or a string in ' 'either brackets or curly braces.')
[docs] @classmethod def delims(cls): """Returns delimiters specific to an argument type. >>> RArg.delims() ['{', '}'] >>> OArg.delims() ['[', ']'] """ return cls.fmt.split('%s')
@classmethod def __is__(cls, s): """Test if string matches this argument's format.""" return s.startswith(cls.delims()[0]) and s.endswith(cls.delims()[1]) @classmethod def __strip__(cls, s): """Strip string of format.""" return s[len(cls.delims()[0]):-len(cls.delims()[1])]
[docs]class OArg(Arg): """Optional argument, denoted as ``[arg]``""" fmt = '[%s]' type = 'optional'
[docs]class RArg(Arg): """Required argument, denoted as ``{arg}``.""" fmt = '{%s}' type = 'required'
arg_type = (OArg, RArg)
[docs]class TexArgs(list): r"""List of arguments for a TeX expression. Supports all standard list ops. Additional support for conversion from and to unparsed argument strings. >>> arguments = TexArgs(['\n', RArg('arg0'), '[arg1]', '{arg2}']) >>> arguments [RArg('arg0'), OArg('arg1'), RArg('arg2')] >>> arguments.all ['\n', RArg('arg0'), OArg('arg1'), RArg('arg2')] >>> arguments[2] RArg('arg2') >>> len(arguments) 3 >>> arguments[:2] [RArg('arg0'), OArg('arg1')] >>> isinstance(arguments[:2], TexArgs) True """ def __init__(self, args=[]): super().__init__() self.all = [] self.extend(args) def __coerce(self, arg): if isinstance(arg, TexText): arg = arg._text if isinstance(arg, str) and not arg.isspace(): arg = Arg.parse(arg) return arg
[docs] def append(self, arg): """Append whitespace, an unparsed argument string, or an argument object. :param Arg arg: argument to add to the end of the list >>> arguments = TexArgs([RArg('arg0'), '[arg1]', '{arg2}']) >>> arguments.append('[arg3]') >>> arguments[3] OArg('arg3') >>> arguments.append(RArg('arg4')) >>> arguments[4] RArg('arg4') >>> len(arguments) 5 >>> arguments.append('\\n') >>> len(arguments) 5 >>> len(arguments.all) 6 """ self.insert(len(self), arg)
[docs] def extend(self, args): """Extend mixture of unparsed argument strings, arguments objects, and whitespace. :param List[Arg] args: Arguments to add to end of the list >>> arguments = TexArgs([RArg('arg0'), '[arg1]', '{arg2}']) >>> arguments.extend(['[arg3]', RArg('arg4'), '\\t']) >>> len(arguments) 5 >>> arguments[4] RArg('arg4') """ for arg in args: self.append(arg)
[docs] def insert(self, i, arg): r"""Insert whitespace, an unparsed argument string, or an argument object. :param int i: Index to insert argument into :param Arg arg: Argument to insert >>> arguments = TexArgs(['\n', RArg('arg0'), '[arg2]']) >>> arguments.insert(1, '[arg1]') >>> len(arguments) 3 >>> arguments [RArg('arg0'), OArg('arg1'), OArg('arg2')] >>> arguments.all ['\n', RArg('arg0'), OArg('arg1'), OArg('arg2')] >>> arguments.insert(10, '[arg3]') >>> arguments[3] OArg('arg3') """ arg = self.__coerce(arg) if isinstance(arg, Arg): super().insert(i, arg) if len(self) <= 1: self.all.append(arg) else: if i > len(self): i = len(self) - 1 before = self[i - 1] index_before = self.all.index(before) self.all.insert(index_before + 1, arg)
[docs] def remove(self, item): """Remove either an unparsed argument string or an argument object. :param Union[str,Arg] item: Item to remove >>> arguments = TexArgs([RArg('arg0'), '[arg2]', '{arg3}']) >>> arguments.remove('{arg0}') >>> len(arguments) 2 >>> arguments[0] OArg('arg2') """ item = self.__coerce(item) self.all.remove(item) super().remove(item)
[docs] def pop(self, i): """Pop argument object at provided index. :param int i: Index to pop from the list >>> arguments = TexArgs([RArg('arg0'), '[arg2]', '{arg3}']) >>> arguments.pop(1) OArg('arg2') >>> len(arguments) 2 >>> arguments[0] RArg('arg0') """ item = super().pop(i) j = self.all.index(item) return self.all.pop(j)
[docs] def reverse(self): r"""Reverse both the list and the proxy `.all`. >>> args = TexArgs(['\n', RArg('arg1'), OArg('arg2')]) >>> args.reverse() >>> args.all [OArg('arg2'), RArg('arg1'), '\n'] >>> args [OArg('arg2'), RArg('arg1')] """ super().reverse() self.all.reverse()
[docs] def sort(self): r"""Sort both the list and the proxy `.all`. Since it doesn't make sense to sort the proxy, all whitespace is dropped. >>> args = TexArgs(['\n', RArg('arg1'), OArg('arg2')]) >>> args.sort() >>> len(args) == len(args.all) True """ super().sort() self.all = list(self)
[docs] def clear(self): r"""Clear both the list and the proxy `.all`. >>> args = TexArgs(['\n', RArg('arg1'), OArg('arg2')]) >>> args.clear() >>> len(args) == len(args.all) == 0 True """ super().clear() self.all.clear()
def __getitem__(self, key): """Standard list slicing. Returns TexArgs object for subset of list and returns an Arg object for single items. >>> arguments = TexArgs([RArg('arg0'), '[arg1]', '{arg2}']) >>> arguments[2] RArg('arg2') >>> arguments[:2] [RArg('arg0'), OArg('arg1')] """ value = super().__getitem__(key) if isinstance(value, list): return TexArgs(value) return value def __contains__(self, item): """Checks for membership. Allows string comparisons to args. >>> arguments = TexArgs(['{arg0}', '[arg1]']) >>> 'arg0' in arguments True >>> OArg('arg0') in arguments False >>> RArg('arg0') in arguments True >>> 'arg3' in arguments False """ if isinstance(item, str): return any([item == arg.value for arg in self]) return super().__contains__(item) def __str__(self): """Stringifies a list of arguments. >>> str(TexArgs(['{a}', '[b]', '{c}'])) '{a}[b]{c}' """ return ''.join(map(str, self)) def __repr__(self): """Makes list of arguments command-line friendly. >>> TexArgs(['{a}', '[b]', '{c}']) [RArg('a'), OArg('b'), RArg('c')] """ return '[%s]' % ', '.join(map(repr, self))